Benefits of Neem for skin

According to Ayurved Neem Leaf is a powerful herb capable of curing many diseases. Neam Leaf it is also called as Wonder Leaf, neem tree is

well known not for its medicinal values but also taking care of enivornmental issues. Its scientific name is Azadirachta Indica.

The antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties present in neem is a perfect remedy for several

skin problems like rashes, allergy and irritation.

Skin Moisturize

The neem leaves helps to moisturize the skin keeping it soft and supple. Make paste of leaves with honey and apply it

on your face for 15 minutes to hydrate your skin.

Get Rid of Dark Circles

Too much exposed to the screens such as TV, Laptop and smart phones gives us enormous pressure to our eyes. As a result

of strain we end up with dark circles under the eye. To remove yor dark circles mix water and neem powder to make a

thick paste and apply it under the eye ring. Keep for 15 minutes and then wash with luke warm water.

Cures Acne

Neem leaves paste for face cures acne. Acne can be treated by using the water in which neem leaves boiled till the water

becomes greeish color. To cure Acne take some fresh neem leaves and some fresh tulsi leaves grind them together

with a little rosewater till it become thick paste. Apply the paste on your face leave it untill it dries. Then

wash your face with cold water.


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