The Oldest Shark Found in the Ocean- Is it Related to the Age of Man?

Not only in marine is also the oldest on earth. The world has witnessed so many developments. Yet it is still spinning for so many mysteries. Now we are going to know one of the oldest shark in the world.

This shark is 393-year-old. It is found in the Arctic Ocean, is believed by observers to be the subject of much research. Observers say that greenland sharks generally live for 4 hundred years, but the shark has never been so old. One such is the 393-year-old Greenland shark detected in the Arctic Ocean by researchers.

Observers believe that the Greenland shark, born in 1627, could do much research. Geneticists say evidence can be found in this shark to find out how to extend human life span longer. Scientists at the Arctic University of Norway are analyzing this shark off the coast of Britain. So many people still researching about this mystery. How this shark is still alive for so many years.

What is the cause of the abnormal lifespan of the Greenland Shark (Shark)? Success is like being able to identify and separate them. Observers say this could extend the man's age. Kim Prebel, a professor at the University of the Arctic, says research into the nuclear genome of the Greenland shark is currently underway.
