The Mask Lady - kuchisake onna

It was 1978 japan, a boy going home alone after playing with his friends, he didn't notice time passes and when he is going back it became late night the whole street was so silent and dark. The kid sees a lady standing end of the road wearing a white cloth to her face.

In the middle of the road, a masked woman greeted the boy. "Am I beautiful?" the boy smiled and replied, "You are so beautiful." Meanwhile, she took off the mask and showed her face. That's it, It was frightening to see her after the mask was taken off. Because .. she's not normal like everyone else. Her lips were cut up to her ear. The teeth were horrible like claws. In other words .. she looked like a ghost.

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On the same day night, the police received a phone call from a man. There on the road, he found a child lying in a pool of blood. They saw the boy lying lifeless there and fled. His lips and cheeks were cut to the ear. He is the same boy who said you're beautiful.

A few days after the incident, a child was abducted in another area. News spread like wildfire that she too had been brutally murdered. The police took the case seriously. But, this series of incidents caused people to panic.

As a result, people stopped going out when it got dark. Even in schools, student attendance has dropped significantly. Police on the other hand began searching for a clue at the scene. But, nothing was found. Meanwhile, another incident came to light.

According to legend, Between 794-1185 AD, Kuchisake-onna was a woman whose mouth was slit from ear to ear while she was alive. In some versions of the story, Kuchisake-onna was the unfaithful wife or concubine of a samurai. As punishment for her infidelity, her husband sliced the corners of her mouth from ear to ear.

After her death, the woman returned as a vengeful spirit. She covers her mouth with a cloth mask, or in some iterations, a  handkerchief. She also carries a sharp instrument with her, which has been described as a knife, machete, scythe, or a large pair of scissors.

In 1979 this fear haunted me a few months. That same year, a woman was hit by a car while trying to abduct a child. The head was bleeding and dead. The officer who performed the postmortem was shocked to see her face. Her lips seemed to pierce up to her ears. With this,she was thought to have committed child murders. 
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But, there are many doubts and doubts behind this incident. There is no evidence that the woman who died in a road accident killed the children. Even after that, the number of children and teenage abduction cases dropped. The masked woman was pronounced dead at the scene.

Still,the Mystery is like a puzzle. Many call that accident is a drama played by the police to allay the fears of the people. Because the police did not put a single piece of evidence related to these incidents in front of the media. Till today its just like another unsolved mystery to the world.
